Lord&Hunt - Professional Farmers and Agricultural Contractors


We grow a selection of varieties to suit lcoal markets: Crusoe as a group 1 variety and KWS Extase a group 2; all for milling, with relevant premiums consistently achieved. First wheat’s are sown when conditions and blackgrass allow from early October. With the Crosslot drill we will aim to sow a cover crop where time between harvest and drilling allows, and then direct drill into that residue. Following beans or peas we will drill straight into the stubble. With careful management, soil health and structure will improve in time, reducing the need for inputs such as slug pellets and artificial fertilisers particularly P and K. Subsoiling and mole draining can still take place where necessary for drainage and/or structural repair.

We rotationally use muck and compost where possible to improve soil organic matter and nutrient levels.

Where blackgrass is known to be a particular problem, raking can be used to stimulate growth of the weed to enable optimum control with glyphosate pre-drilling. Alternatively, cover crops can be used with spring and Autumn cropping to encourage blackgrass to grow before spraying off prior to drilling. Pre and post-emergence herbicides are used where appropriate.

Fungicides are applied dependant on season, together with micronutrients where required. Plant sap tests are used to dictate additional micronutrient requirements and timings.

Liquid nitrogen with sulphur is variably applied as required. We use liquid fertiliser not for any yield benefits (these are negligible except in a dry time when loss by volatilization compared to solids may be reduced) but for its accuracy of application, efficient use of limited labour, justification for having a high clearance self-propelled sprayer and the ability to apply product in all weather conditions providing the machine will travel. We have had considerable success in lowering nitrogen rates over recent years whilst maintaining yield and quality.

With over 1200t of on floor drying capacity, 2800t of aerated storage and a high output combine, risks of weather effecting crop quality are reduced to an acceptable level.

Marketing of our own wheat is centred on risk management, with up to 50% sold pre harvest, and the rest sold forward or at spot price post-harvest depending on market conditions.